Limbus Company Wiki

Dante's Notes (Hangul: 단테의 노트) is an added feature to the Theater included in the May 11th 2023 update.

This feature gets updated between the weeks leading to a new Season with more entries by Dante, along with story.

New Dante's Notes were released every day during the following timeframes:

  • May 11th 2023 - May 31st 2023
  • October 19th 2023 - November 1st 2023
  • March 14th 2024 - March 28th 2024


The City[]

I’m not sure where to even start.
I guess it’s only natural, given that I can’t tell how much I forgot to begin with.
Maybe I’ll start by making notes whenever I run into things I don’t remember.

Limbus Company[]

Record #1 - 984.4.20
- Limbus Company: The place I work for.
- It’s a name that should be the most closely related to me… but it’s also the hardest to describe for me.
Cause… they won’t tell me anything. I didn’t join the company of my own accord.
At first, I thought the company’s initiative was to find and retrieve the Golden Boughs, but that only seems to be *our* department’s goal, not the entire company’s.
Record #2 - 984.4.21
- From what I can tell, each department has its own aims, and there’s no common goal shared by all of them.
- It looks like the company has substantial backing. The company’s support was never lacking whenever we got its help. (Though Rodya seems to have a lot to say about the meals.)
Record #3 - 984.11.04
- The Sinners and I... well, the 'Bus Team' is mainly tasked with finding the Golden Boughs, but the Limbus Company is trying to grow its reputation as a company that provides Distortion suppression, capture, and prevention services.
Record #1 - 984.5.17
- It’s our mobile office, our home, and our vehicle. The Sinners and I eat, sleep, go to work, and fight here.
- It looks like a mix of a train and a bus, but everyone calls it a bus for some reason. I guess it makes sense, considering our department’s name.
- Apparently, it’s powered by an engine that Faust designed.
Everything special about Mephistopheles comes from its engine. Not only does it power the vehicle so that the bus can drive us to places, but it also lets us extract Identities from other worlds. We can also enter breakrooms or training rooms via its Backdoor, all thanks to the engine.
- It seems that Mephistopheles can be upgraded and fitted with additional functions. I think one of the Sinners said it’s like the bus itself is growing, or something. (I don’t remember who said it, though.)
Record #2 - 984.5.29
- Huh... The bus really transformed into a boat.
I guess this is what the ‘additional functions’ meant…
Further modifications and performance upgrades were made possible by using both the resonance tuning fork and Mephistopheles’ engine. (That Mika person was in a constant state of astonishment, now that I think about it.)
Heck, it’s bigger on the inside than it is outside. I won’t be surprised if all kinds of fantastical functions get added to it in the future.
Luxcavation Dungeons[]
Record #1 - 984.5.18
- One of the dungeon types we can enter via the Backdoor.
- Once we enter, there’s the Training Ticket Luxcavation Dungeon to the left, and the Thread Luxcavation Dungeon to the right.
- Looks like we can gather resources to strengthen the Sinners by battling Abnormalities or enemies we’ve faced in the past.
- We have to spend Enkephalin to enter these since they also require Mephistopheles’ engine to operate.
Mirror Dungeons[]
Record #1 - 984.5.18
- They're 'dungeons’ we can access via the Backdoor.
The corridor that leads to the Mirror Dungeon is made of cold, heavy metal. It inspires a different kind of anxiety from our usual wooden doors and corridors.
- At first, there was just a single door leading to a Mirror Dungeon while the others were shut. A second door opened at some point though, so now we’ve got two. Considering that Faust let us know when the doors would open, I’m gonna guess that there are specific conditions for them to open. Or maybe they follow a certain schedule.
- Whenever I enter a Mirror Dungeon, I emerge to a place resembling a misty cosmos. I can choose which Sinners to bring with me into each of the Mirror Dungeons.
Record #2 - 984.5.19
- According to Faust, Mephistopheles’ engine actively stabilizes the Mirror Dungeons we’re allowed to enter via the Backdoor.
- Their ultimate purpose seems to be to improve mine and the Sinners’ capabilities. Faust recommended that we make frequent visits to the Mirror Dungeons of the Backdoor, even if it meant expending Enkephalin used for the engine.
Refraction Railway Line 1[]
Record #1 - 984.5.20
- Though it’s closed now, we've been to this station before.
- The whole place had a blueish tint to it.
- We encountered and fought some familiar faces, but many of the Abnormalities in there were entities we hadn’t encountered in the Lobotomy Corp. Branches so far.
- I recall that we’ve interacted with some of these Abnormalities before in the Mirror Dungeons. Faust says that our interaction with them in the Mirror Dungeons were through some kinds of… spaces. Their mental spaces and worlds, that is.
I guess the railway happened to stop by one of those worlds?
- Then maybe it’s not a simulation? I don’t know…
Refraction Railway Line 2[]
Record #1 - 984.5.21
- This place has a greenish tint, unlike Line 1 with its blue hue. I bet the next one will be a different color. And so on and so forth.
- Again, we fought some more Abnormalities we’d only had glimpses of before.
- Everyone cheered when they saw that Line 2 had way fewer Stations than Line 1 did… Until Yi Sang noticed some symbols on the wall and theorized that we were supposed to run this Line multiple times.
- A new Station was added with each new Cycle, though we still had to go through the earlier stations first.
- Around the time we were on our fourth Cycle, Heathcliff began loudly complaining that he was tired of doing the same thing over and over and over and over again. Some Sinners seemed to grow increasingly restless as well, but the crisis was averted thanks to Yi Sang who said that the sign seemed to say that the fifth Cycle was the last one they had to complete.
- Once we wrapped up our fifth Cycle, we were able to find a large horde of various resources from the Lost & Found. From what I can tell, each Line’s going to have different routes and conditions to completing them.
Refraction Railway Line 3[]
Record #1 - 984.11.12
- A railroad glowing with orange light. Says it's "Line 3" inside.
- Just as I predicted, each new railway seems to come with a different color. I'm sure the next one will be different, too.
- The subway train followed a circular track, and it stopped by every Station it passed by. There were rest stations along the way, so this wasn't as bad as the one we suffered through the last time.
- Again, we found Abnormalities we'd never seen before. If it really is as Faust said... if the subway trains are really stopping by the world of Abnormalities... maybe we can go even further?
Record #2 - 984.11.13
- Going through the Mirror Dungeons kind of feels like we're wading through an abstract ocean of a world... but the Refraction Railways have a more detailed appearance, kind of like a corridor of sorts.
- So many unknowns. Who built the Stations? Who puts those rewards in the Lost & Found? Where's this subway train, that looks a bit like Mephistopheles, coming from? How did it even get placed on the subway tracks?
Refraction Railways[]
Record #1 - 984.5.19
- A place we can access using the Backdoor.
- Gregor tells me that it looks a lot like the City's subway stations.
- It looks pretty dilapidated, as though it’s been here for a long time. There’s what appears to be a subway train on the rails.
- The subway train kinda resembles our Mephistopheles, except it looks like it’s been left to rot for a long time.
- The subway train didn’t budge with just one Sinner inside it. When the other Sinners joined, however, the door closed all on its own and began taking us somewhere.
- The Sinners told me that it took us to the next stop.
- What I can tell from my experience here so far is that each station led to a different environment, some of which were places we’ve been to in the past.
- The door closes behind us once we get off the subway train onto a new station. Then, an Abnormality or some enemies attack us with no rhyme or reason, leading to immediate combat.
- Once the fight’s over, the subway train door opens again. Once we’re all aboard, it takes us to the next stop. Rinse and repeat until we reach the Terminus.
Record #2 - 984.5.20
- Faust tells me that they appear to be like… 'simulations, or a series of locations generated in order to improve our capabilities akin to the functions of Mirror Dungeons or the Luxcavation Dungeons from the Backdoor'.
That makes sense. We encountered enemies like Kromer in there, but all they did was fight us. Maybe they’re also just simulations, after all.
- Not sure if it’s putting us through a very realistic simulation, or if it’s actually taking us to where the Abnormalities reside. I still don’t know enough about this place to say for sure.
- Once we made it to the end of the subway route, we were allowed to return to the bus via one of the stations.
- One of the Sinners was furious, complaining that it sent us on a wild goose chase for absolutely nothing… until he saw Faust popping open the Lost & Found box and picking up a whole horde of resources.
The Backdoor[]
Record #1 - 984.5.17
- A door… on the back end of Mephistopheles. Past it is a corridor full of doors connected to each Sinner’s private lodgings or breakrooms.
- The Sinners tell me that each room has unique looks and different interior designs. Faust explained that they may be reflections of each Sinner’s personal psyche or memories.
- There are more people on this bus than the number of doors we actually use, but the ones we do use can lead to different spaces depending on who opens them first. Two sinners could enter the same door only to end up in different rooms, for example.
- The doors are labeled with names denoting whose rooms they lead to.
- There are also doors that just lead to the other side of the walls they're on.
Record #2 - 984.5.18
- The door to my room opens to a corridor leading to the Mirror Dungeons and the Luxcavation Dungeons.
- I can see that the corridor past the Backdoor extends beyond the area we use, but somebody put a sign there warning us not to trespass.
We almost had a huge accident when Heathcliff tried to go past the threshold in spite of the warnings. Something tells me that there are dangerous things or territories in the deeper parts of the corridor.
Heathcliff’s panicked face is still fresh in my memory… And Faust’s uncharacteristic urgency, too.
- Ryōshū calls this endless space ‘the Corridor’. I can tell that she’s not talking about just any corridor. But what else could she possibly be talking about…?
Record #1 - 984.4.22
- Seems to be a term that refers to the 12 people on the LCB’s bus with me.
- Based on conversations I overheard, they appear to have “joined” the company similar to how I did, but they’ve been nicknamed like they’re bound here somehow.
- I asked Vergilius about the term, but he didn’t give me a clear answer.
Him and his “You’ll see in due time…” He’s shut down several questions with remarks like that.
…Looks like I have no other option here, I’ve gotta write down whatever I learn.
Record #2 - 984.4.23
- Adding a couple new discoveries about the Sinners.
- First, it looks like “Sinner” is specifically used to refer to those who’ve formed a contract (that I had no choice for opting out of) with me.
- And it appears they’re the only people I can bring back to life with my clock.
Record #3 - 984.4.24
- The Sinners might be the ones who can resonate with the Golden Boughs we seek.
- When we approach one, it seems to reveal the *fathoms of the Sinner’s ego*, making us experience their past or peer into their psyche.
The Golden Boughs[]
Record #1 - 984.4.26
- Small branch-shaped objects that emit a golden glow.
- Don’t really feel like tree branches. My head gets these tingling sensations whenever I get close to one…
- Whatever these are, they certainly aren’t your ordinary gilded twigs that we’re made to go after.
Record #2 - 984.5.3
- The Sinners seem to experience a kind of dizziness when they get near this thing.
I hear it’s called “resonating”, and it might be similar to how I get headaches.
- Once we return with a Bough, Vergilius calls people from some other department to take care of it.
When I asked him about this, he just said it’s “submitted to headquarters”.
The LCA[]
Record #1 - 984.11.04
- The most influential department in Limbus Company.
- Not sure what the acronym stands for.
- Maybe they work in tandem with the LCD for important Distortion or Monolith retrieval missions?
- A team known as the special operations unit is a part of the LCA. Everyone in that team that we've seen were all tall, bulky, and dressed in black.
The LCB[]
Record #1 - 984.4.20
- Limbus Company Bus.
- Its name comes from the fact we’re on a bus.
Feels like they didn’t put a lot of thought into the name, but the other departments aren’t far ahead in terms of sophistication.
- The team includes people like me and the ones called… Sinners(?) who’re sitting back behind. (Still not used to this word.)
The purpose is to retrieve things called “Golden Boughs” from the underground facilities of “Lobotomy” or whatever the “L” Corp. stood for.
I dunno what Golden Boughs are, but from the sound of it: some physical objects shaped like tree branches. (Will make a separate note when I learn more.)
Record #2 - 984.4.21
- Seems retrieving Golden Boughs isn’t the only job.
We’re sent to deal with any task on the way to the company’s objective that needs capabilities unique to me or the Sinners.
- I’m starting to wonder how this company came to be, and why it had to be me and the Sinners to do all this, but Faust won’t tell me.
She says the security level is too low for me to access the information, but she seems to know something more.
Why does a “Sinner” know more about the company when I’m the “Executive Manager”…?
The LCC[]
Record #1 - 984.4.20
- Limbus Company Clearance.
- Its name comes from the fact they “clear” things up and out.
It was formed to aid the bus team’s work.
Unlike the Sinners, I can’t revive them with my powers, which explains the care put into their gear and equipment.
- The department seems to be split into two teams. The Before Team (LCCB) handles scouting and preparation work, while the After Team (LCCA) handles gathering and cleaning up what we’ve done.
I haven’t met them yet, but the teams seem to be divided into several sections if Vergilius’s phone calls are anything to go by.
- Met with Effie and Saude from Preliminary Observation of the Before Team.
- I asked them a few questions when I had the time, I’ll try to write down what I learned.
- Also wanted to ask what exactly they do, but the session got interrupted by Don Quixote suddenly causing a scene.
- Effie sighed that Preliminary Observation pays the least out of all Before Team’s subsections. Judging from what I heard about the department having far more staff than the others, they might be treated as expendables.
- …Effie and Saude died during our operation.
Record #2 - 984.11.08
- The LCCA. The After Team doesn't seem to think so highly of me and the Sinners. They look down on pretty much the entirety of LCB.
- They probably think that the company's giving us special treatment or something. They think we have it easy? Maybe they should try dying over and over again if they really think we're a bunch of spoiled babies.
- ... Or feel the pain of death again, again, and again. With no end.
Record #3 - 984.11.10
- Saude's alive! Now, this is a correction I'm happy to make.
- Sounds like she healed up nicely after what happened and got promoted to manager. I know that what happened had been weighing heavily on Sinclair's mind. Hopefully, this will put Sinclair's heart at ease, even a little bit.
- The Before Team, like Saude and Pilot, at least worked alongside us... But that woman from LCCA, Caiman, treated us and the LCCB like we were beneath them. I felt pretty awful after that.
The LCD[]
Record #1 - 984.11.09
- Limbus Company Distortion.
- Looks like they're the department that specializes in dealing with Distortions.
- This department was made to expand Limbus Company's business within the City.
- An employee from the LCD called Ezra actively helped us during the Monolith retrieval operation.
- ... I imagine she's what Don Quixote would be like if her personality was a bit more... mature.

The Nests[]

Record #1 - 984.4.21
- Seems to be a term that refers to urban centers in the City.
- The City is divided into multiple sections, and each of them comprises a “Nest” and a “Backstreets” portion.
- A Nest is basically under the management and protection of a conglomerate called a *Wing*, while the Backstreets aren’t too big of an influence. I think?
- Asked Vergilius if I came from a Nest or the Backstreets, but he ignored me.
K Corp.[]
Record #1 - 984.4.22
- Located in District 11’s Nest.
- As evidenced by our nightmarish battle at the checkpoint… K Corp’s Singularity seems to give the user the capability to continuously heal—or regenerate, rather—their body.
Faust called it “Helapoiesis”, but it seems to be more commonly referred to as HP “bullets” or “ampules” by regular denizens of the City.
Thanks to that, all the Sinners died and I almost fainted bearing 12 people’s worth of pain at once…
But, those HP ampules did also help restore my melted lower half to perfectly good health.
- K Corp. seems to be utilizing this technology for a number of industries.
Record #2 - 984.4.23
- According to Samjo, an employee we met at Eunbong’s, the Wing might also be developing food-related tech using the Singularity.
Record #3 - 984.5.22
- I didn’t quite understand why they were flying a bunch of drones around the city, filming scenes of death and pain… but looks like there was a reason for all that.
- I learned some things about K Corp.'s Nest while carrying out their request… But I’m not sure if it’s okay for me to leave a record of them.
Record #4 - 984.5.23
- Okay. Below are some information that I’m NOT supposed to write down… But I wanted to record it anyway. Here goes nothing.
- … Who knows. One day, even I might end up forgetting everything.
- They explained that HP ampules were actually infinitesimally tiny nanobots helping regenerate the body. Apparently, they were so small that a collection of them just happened to look like some green fluid.
But none of that was true. They weren’t anything even remotely close to nanobots. The ampules were just filled with some green fluid.
- K Corp’s HP bullets, also known as Regeneration Ampules, aren’t like ointments. It uh… returns the body of the person injected with it to a form they remember as being unhurt.
- Stephanette, K Corp.’s founder, went to the Outreaches of the Outskirts and brought back this organism they call the ‘Tearful Thing’, from which they extract the fluid.
- I think that ‘Tearful Thing’ was once a human, from what I’ve seen through resonating with the Golden Bough.
- It seems like their wish was that no one would ever suffer from pain again. And that wish was granted… in some form, anyway. Theoretically speaking, its tears can heal literally any part of a body as long as its brain is intact.
- Just like its name, the Tearful Thing sheds tears when it feels sorrow. And by processing or watering down its tears are the ampules, K Corp’s Singularity, made.
- At first, the founder Stephanette drew its tears by sharing sad or emotional stories. But once she passed away, those who seized power afterward buried it in a constant stream of violent, shocking imageries to produce its tears more efficiently.
- That’s why the drones were filming people’s deaths. So that they could force the Tearful Thing to watch those violent and shocking tragedies.
- Looks like making it watch the same tragedy over and over isn’t as efficient. They have to keep feeding it new, different scenes of violence. That’s why they’re importing similar footage from the other Nests. They were planning to use the glass window tech similar to the mirror to give it a constant supply of footage, but our involvement seems to have thwarted that.
- Considering that the ‘Tearful Thing’ is, after all, an organism, it also seems to be capable of producing offsprings. Alfonso called the one we saw… a child entity.
- I don’t know how… but if I were to hazard a guess, I’d say that they’re trying to improve their production rates by using the Tearful Thing’s children.
Record #5 - 984.5.25
- I’m only a little curious, but I wonder what would happen if a prosthetics user were to be injected with a K Corp. Ampule?
- We learned everything about their Singularity, from its origin to its production methods, but after they put us through the memory wipe procedure, I’m the only one who remembers it. I decided to lay low and pretend that the procedure worked. Even with my limited knowledge of the City, I felt like that this information was probably pretty important.
- I usually don’t show these notes to the Sinners anyway, but… I'll have to be extra careful about it from now on.
L Corp.[]
Record #1 - 984.4.23
- Full Name: Lobotomy Corporation.
- Its Nest was in District 12. A fallen Wing, its spot currently vacant.
It was apparently the epicenter of a City-wide event called the *White Nights and Dark Days*, which everyone seems to know. (Except for me, or would that be the amnesia…?)
The facilities we search through for the Golden Boughs all once belonged to this now-defunct L Corp.
Lobotomy Corporation[]
Record #1 - 984.4.28
- Name of the L Corp. that existed in the past. It was an energy provider.
- It transported *Abnormalities* (like those we’ve encountered) to facilities in their eggy forms and *managed them in containment units* to produce energy in the form of *Enkephalin*.
- I’m told it once supplied energy to many other companies and Wings—pretty much all over the City, basically—so it must have been a pretty weighty enterprise…
- Then, one day, a fierce ray of light shot out of the headquarters and the company went under just like that.
I even heard that after the company was gone, some… *tower thing* appeared in its place, and then disappeared sometime after. The Wing’s spot is still vacant as I write this, which apparently has the whole District in chaos.
- With its headquarters gone, the branch facilities around the City all shut down and were *buried underground*.
Record #2 - 984.5.28
- Looks like they left behind some of the E.G.O equipment the Lobotomy Corp. Branches once used to manage their Abnormalities.
- I think there are some conditions and risks to using those E.G.O equipment like the weapons or the armor. Makes sense, since they’re extracted from the Abnormalities that Lobotomy Corp. used to manage. They also seem to affect their users’ mood or speech patterns.
- Considering that they’re made from Abnormalities… they might pose a problem during our future visits to the Lobotomy Corp. Branches.
N Corp.[]
Record #1 - 984.4.22
- Nagel und Hammer: Located in District 14’s Nest. Nagel obviously means “nail”.
- Having spoken with Meursault, apparently there are *two* factions under the names of ‘Nail’ and ‘Hammer’.
According to him, the armor-clad “Inquisitors” we faced weren’t nearly as prevalent when he worked for the Wing, and they weren’t the majority faction during his time there.
- Unlike the group led by Kromer, N Corp. as a whole doesn’t appear too different from other big corporations outside some rigidness.
Record #2 - 984.4.24
- Not sure what its main business is, but some Sinners seem to know a couple things about the Wing.
…If only they’d speak to me at all about it.
R Corp.[]
Record #1 - 984.5.7
- Located in District 18’s Nest.
- With what I’ve heard about R Corp. from its related Sinners, it seemed a little different from the other Wings I know so far.
While most Wings provide many a convenience by utilizing their Singularities to improve people’s quality of life, R Corp. mainly deals in armed services like mercenaries.
- R Corp’s power as a Wing comes from the quality of its military services.
Outis added that as important as a troop’s size is, much of its strength in battle will come from field experience and mental fortitude.
In that sense, she says R Corp’s combatants (soldiers? employees?) are like killing machines with undaunted spirits on top of being in great health.
Gregor said it’s common for ordinary soldiers to lose their will to fight and then flee the battlefield or fall into panic, and those who don’t are the exceptions.
I wonder if R Corp. runs wargames and simulations or something.
Record #2 - 984.5.9
- Hearing what R Corp’s identities have to say, the Wing has a team called the “Fourth Pack” with three subdivisions: Rabbits, Reindeer, and Rhinos.
- The Rabbits are all-rounders deployed to a wide range of missions.
- The Reindeer have surgically gained antlers that convert mental strength into physical force.
- While I haven’t met the Rhinos yet, I’m told their specialty is wreaking havoc.
S Corp.[]
Record #1 - 984.11.08
- Located in District 19's Nest.
- Looks like they've got a... 'King'...? And this 'King', whatever that means, has 'retainers'.
- Okay, according to some brief explanations, it seems to be a form of governance. Kinda like the Nests and the Wings... but not exactly the same. Don Quixote's eyes were practically twinkling as she listened, so I'm pretty sure it's far from a standard governance system.
- It's really setting in that each Nest has a different culture and a way of running things.
- I still have no idea what kind of Singularity they're supporting their Nest with.
Record #2 - 984.11.09
- Yi Sang is from S Corp. I was told that S Corp. deals with much of the agriculture and the livestock industry.
- The Blade Lineage members we recently ran into were also from S Corp. From the sound of it, they left the Nest for a reason similar to Yi Sang: internal issues and the tyranny of the corrupt.
- Things seem incredibly chaotic at S Corp.... Hopefully that's not where we're headed next
T Corp.[]
Record #1 - 984.5.26
- Located in District 20’s Nest.
- Looks like they specialize in using temporal technology.
- I’ve only experienced T Corp. through resonating with the Golden Bough. I’ve never actually been to T Corp. Nest before, so I’m not sure how true to life that experience was.
- They seem to value technology and inventions.
- The whole Nest is literally monochromatic. I think having any color is a privilege permitted only to those with power. Black fumes constantly spewing out of numerous buildings have darkened its skies.
The Wings[]
Record #1 - 984.4.21
- Companies with the most advanced and influential technology in their Districts, practically ruling over them.
Supposedly they’re corporate entities, but the more I hear about the Wings, the more they sound like governing bodies.
(Come to think of it, Limbus Company doesn’t seem to fit the conventional idea of a company, either. We’re on a bus all the time, for one.)
- Each Wing has trademarked technologies called “Singularities”, and uses the funds earned from them (and ridiculous taxes) to manage the high-class urban area inside its District, known as a *Nest*.
- People who work for a Wing seem to be nicknamed “Feathers”.
U Corp.[]
Record #1 - 984.5.26
- Located in District 21’s Nest.
- They use this Singularity called the resonance tuning fork. It can meld together two items of entirely different nature into one, as though they've always been a part of each other.
- Somehow, the power of the resonance tuning fork melded guns and monstrous crabs called Trash Crabs together. They could use those melded firearms as though they were naturally born with them.
- U Corp. is scattered across the Great Lake, with most of its major institutions located on its surface.
- Which means that we’re in dire need of a ship if we want to go anywhere in U Corp. So we got Mephistopheles modified into a ship using the resonance tuning fork.
- Seems to me that it overlaps this other region called ‘the Outskirts’… Hmm.
W Corp.[]
Record #1 - 984.5.6
- Located in District 23’s Nest.
- I haven’t visited their place yet, but I learned a thing or two about it from conversations with the identities from this Wing.
W Corp. seems to be operating a transit service advertised as “WARP Trains” that take passengers from platform to platform in mere seconds.
Tickets for WARP trains are apparently pretty costly, and I’m told the first-class ones are plain ridiculous.
- …Shouldn’t you just cut costs and drive at that point?
Record #2 - 984.5.8
- Writing down additional details I’ve heard.
- While cars can take you anywhere, WARP trains are preferred because travel by car can get incredibly complicated.
Makes sense, considering the procedures we went through just to get into K Corp’s Nest.
- Speaking more, it seems the bigger problem is the roads are made inefficiently.
They’re so twisted and convoluted that it takes an unreasonable amount of time to travel between Backstreets areas by car.
- Even if the linear distance is short, the road to the destination will be labyrinthine.
Purportedly there are wide, open roads called highways connecting the Nests, but that comes with a set of conditions and costs as well.
Record #3 - 984.5.9
- Learned a shocking fact while talking with Sinners done up in W Corp’s identities.
Though they didn’t tell me directly… it seems that the trips on WARP trains which take no more than a few minutes from an outsider’s perspective make their passengers perceive a terribly long amount of time, dissolving their sanity and deforming them beyond recognition once the ride is finally over.
Then, it’s the job of the cleanup agents to physically sort out the mess every time.
…Thank goodness we have a bus.
- This is all speculation based on conversations with the identities, so I’m planning to keep this information to myself.


Record #1 - 984.4.26
- Sorta freelancers who take care of or help with various jobs and requests in the City.
- They don’t work for free, of course. The whole society seems to be based around money. But… I don’t think I can say for sure that there are absolutely no Fixers willing to do charity work, I guess?
- The ones I’ve seen and heard about were from all walks of life, too diverse for me to neatly summarize. (If talking with mirrored identities counts, too). Maybe it’s a common career?
Record #2 - 984.4.27
- Apparently, you can’t be a Fixer just cause you want to; some Fixer-related identities told me that there are tests you need to pass to earn a license.
- Looks like Fixers are graded with a number: 9 being the lowest and 1 being the highest…
- There’s also a special grade called being a *Color*. Vergilius appears to be one; he has the moniker of the “Red Gaze”. He’s supposedly pretty skilled and famous.
Record #1 - 984.4.28
- Term that encompasses all the corporate bodies (or any place of business, really?) that’re founded by Fixers.
- There seems to be some sorta rule that requires Fixers to be part of an authorized organization of any kind if they want to work, and setting up a *one-person Office* is apparently an option.
Record #2 - 984.4.29
- It looks like there’s a pretty wide variety of Offices.
- Thinking back on the time we were in the Backstreets of District 4 (D Corp’s territory), the Office Yuri and Aya belonged to might have been the most common type.
- Anyway, I guess I can say Fixers, Offices, and Associations are all entities that handle requests for a price.
Record #3 - 984.5.26
- I knew it. The Associations aren’t the only kind of organizations a Fixer might work for. Some of them also work for Offices. They all seem to specialize in different things, just like the Fixers themselves.
The Associations[]
Record #1 - 984.4.27
- Seems to refer to the large organizations that manage Fixers.
- Each Association appears to have a specific field it specializes in to account for how free and open a Fixer’s line of work can usually be.
There’s a pretty wide variety… I’ve seen a few Associations through the identities of Sinners and their mirror worlds.
- One major difference from freelance Fixers is that they can’t choose the jobs they want to take.
Cinq Association[]
Record #1 - 984.5.1
- They seem to specialize in single-combat and dueling requests.
- Though it doesn’t happen often, I hear there are still cases of people trying to settle disputes with a fair and honorable “duel”.
- When a person gets involved in a duel (or has to challenge someone to it) and figures their opponent will clearly tear them a new airway, they send this Association a request. Sounds like they stand in for the client or something.
- All I know about this Association comes from what I heard from the Seven Association identities, so I couldn’t learn much…
Since the Association doesn’t get requests too often, it seems to be in charge of holding joint conferences and events with other Associations as well.
Devyat Association[]
Record #1 - 984.5.27
- They seem to specialize in delivery and transportation.
- The City is full of dangers around every corner, so it’s extremely difficult to deliver important items or information to the intended recipients on time without losing it in the process.
- Yi Sang told me that, “While the City may appear miniscule in the bird’s eye view that the map avails one, an approach that contemplates its surface area and not what a single surface of it shows a world vastly different. The City is tight with brimming buildings in both heaven and earth, their labyrinthine construction and the Singularities paint a picture hidden afore a screen…”. I wasn’t sure what he was talking about, so I just nodded along.
Dieci Association[]
Record #1 - 984.5.22
- They seem to specialize in the collection and research of knowledge.
- They say the Association members use equipment that draws physical strength from knowledge.
- The harder to obtain and more precious the knowledge is, the greater the strength it grants its users. Looks like they lose the knowledge once they draw strength from it, however.
- Looks like they’ve got Fixers who fight with their fists and Fixers who fight with their… keys? (What?)
Liu Association[]
Record #1 - 984.4.28
- They seem to specialize in combat requests that involve groups of people.
- “Although few Fixers in the City go their lives without once ever embroiling themselves in battle…” (Quoted from Donqui.)
- The Liu Association seems to be unique in that each individual member is equipped to deal with multiple foes at once.
Record #2 - 984.4.29
- According to Don Quixote (“Discerning the two may yet be a task too daunting for novice aficionados!”, she also added), while the Cinq Association covers one-on-one situations like duels, the Liu Association handles engagements between multiple combatants. Come to think of it, most of those identities did seem to value cooperation and coordination over individual action.
They also looked rather carefree, too…
- Gregor’s Liu Association identity also told me that it was common for him to take on groups of five or six at once. (He didn’t forget to proudly mention that he’d “whooped those kids’ hineys”.)
Record #3 - 984.4.30
- Another thing of note is the incendiary devices built into all their weapons.
- When I asked why they use fire-starting weaponry, they gave me varying answers like “harmony” or “flow”…
But those honestly felt like roundabout remarks. In my opinion, it’s probably because fire is effective as a means to strike foes around the target. Flames can spread, after all.
Seven Association[]
Record #1 - 984.5.27
- They seem to specialize in collecting intelligence.
- Intelligence, knowledge… I thought they’d be pretty similar to the Dieci association, but one of the Identities explained their differences to me.
- While Seven Association specializes in using whatever means to collect intelligence that they have been contracted to find, Dieci Association specializes in making the found knowledge their own by analyzing and deconstructing them.
- Still, I bet they have a lot of overlap, given their similar specializations.
Shi Association[]
Record #1 - 984.4.27
- They seem to specialize in assassination requests.
- Should note that it doesn’t exactly mean they’re the only Fixers who ever assassination jobs. To start, requesting an Associate Fixer is gonna cost a fortune…
Plus, the demand for assassination is awfully high in the City, so even unknown Offices on obscure streets seem to get those requests pretty often.
Record #1 - 984.5.28
- They specialize in building and modifying gears used by the Fixers.
- Technically, they go under the same umbrella as the Offices. Unlike the Fixer Offices with various specializations, though, people refer to these specifically as Workshops.
- Primarily, they craft and sell weapons, armor, and other tools that Fixers use. Sometimes they’re contracted to build custom gear as well. At least that’s the impression I got.
- Considering that they’re also run by Fixers, Workshops don’t shy away from taking contracts involving combat if they have to. Like the Rosespanner Workshop did, for example.


Record #1 - 984.4.23
- Seems to be what they call all kinds of gangs and organizations in the City.
- The term covers such a wide range of things, you can call pretty much any group of people together under a name a Syndicate.
The Blade Lineage[]
Record #1 - 984.4.25
- A Syndicate of sword-wielding ruffians and libertines roaming the Backstreets.
- Guessing from conversations with the Sinners who wore such Identities, they don’t seem to act or move in groups much despite belonging to a Syndicate.
To be more precise… they do have temporary company from time to time, but there’s no strict subgroups or pecking order.
- …It’s unfortunate that half of their answers were taking the piss, so I am unable to write proper answers here.
The Kurokumo Clan[]
Record #1 - 984.4.25
- A giant Syndicate spread deep and wide across the Backstreets.
- They seem to be characterized by long, single-edged swords with sheaths and dark/wavy clothes.
- They basically earn their keep by taking protection fees from Backstreets businesses under the pretext of offering “safety”.
- From what I heard from the Identities, they seem to be in some kind of conflict with another Syndicate called the Blade Lineage. I didn’t get to hear the reason.
- They follow some sort of hierarchy, and henchmen are generally forbidden from disobeying their superiors.
- …There do seem to be special exceptions if Hong Lu is to be believed.

The Backstreets[]

Record #1 - 984.4.23
- Areas of a District not included in the Nest, outside of the Wing’s domain.
The residents are mostly people who can’t afford to live in the Nest.
- Each area is stacked with restaurants, local businesses, living quarters, schools, academies, and a variety of other facilities.
As the name suggests, though, the roads tend to be twisted and intertwined, and there’s a constant air of dampness wherever you go.
Fun thing I’ve noticed is that the boundaries between the Backstreets and the Nests were clearly drawn in every District I’ve visited. (Though I’ve only been to like, three of them).

The City’s Technology[]

Record #1 - 984.4.24
- From turning rudimentary cogs to overlaying an alternate identity via a mirror, the City has every level of technology.
Combat Capability[]
Record #1 - 984.11.13
- There seems to be more than one way to get stronger in the City. Prosthetics and augmentation procedures, for example.
- But a physically strong body isn't all there is to being powerful; combat experience and techniques matter, too.
- Fixer Offices, Associations, Syndicates... they each have their unique way of fighting, which sometimes evolves into swordplay styles, martial arts styles, dojos, and things like that.
- Heathcliff tells me that an untrained, inexperienced body enhanced by surgeries just turns you into a slightly sturdier punching bag. Ryōshū chimed in to add that the type of procedure, choice of weapon, and style of martial arts matter, too.
Record #2 - 984.11.14
- I overheard some identities with a lot of combat experience chatting... and they were saying that investing money in your body will take you only so far.
- Sure, it can make your body sturdier and physically stronger, but you need the right experience and training to actually use that body.
- But Rodya clarified to me that while more money doesn't automatically mean more power, we should be ready to shell out some cash if we do want to get stronger.
Record #1 - 984.5.2
- Shorthand for “Extermination of Geometrical Organ”. [sic] (Idk what this means?)
- Seems to be a byproduct of the Enkephalin generation once done by the now-collapsed L Corp.
- Reports say the Wing originally produced weapons and equipment out of the E.G.O for its employees to use, which doesn’t really seem to match what I’ve seen of it.
Record #2 - 984.5.4
- From what I can tell, the E.G.O our Sinners use appears to work by the user making the emotions or self-identity of the Abnormality their own. Although I haven’t experienced it myself…
- I’ve heard a few times that it feels similar to being influenced by someone else’s thoughts and reflecting it to life, walking as if in their shoes.
Record #3 - 984.5.5
- However, if you don’t stop at just being convinced and get deeply engrossed in that other sense of self, you’ll be taken over by what’s carrying it.
That killed the Sinners a good few times…
And hurt me like hell.
Record #1 - 984.4.29
- Seems to be what the glowing green fuel originally produced by Lobotomy Corporation is called.
- Mephistopheles has a device converting humans into Enkephalin built into it, and the green liquid filling up the tubes seems to be just that.
- Enkephalin can also be stored in containers of our choice for easier transport, boxes and modules being the two vital examples.
Record #2 - 984.5.1
- The old L Corp’s logo can still be seen on the bottom of some Enkephalin boxes, which probably means the Wing used them as well.
- Reading the warning on the side, ingesting it apparently has “hallucinogenic effects”… Who would think to do that?
Record #1 - 984.4.24
- An invention that overlays a person’s identity with a different possibility from numerous other worlds.
- I heard Yi Sang was one of its developers, but he always blabbers things I can’t wrap my head around whenever I ask, so I don’t expect to get any useful down-to-earth info out of him.
- The identities themselves are found via the engine of Mephistopheles. Not sure how it works, but it looks like you can’t just find and grab the identities you want. Trial and error can sometimes stumble upon previously unseen versions of the Sinners, too.
Record #2 - 984.4.25
- Although I can’t write how exactly those identities are used in full… (Feels like attempting to makes me unsure somehow.)
Synchronizing the extracted identity with my LCB-PDA and the bus window allowed me to communicate with or feel it, in a way.
Calling forth the image of the identity in my mind, I get a sense of understanding as if I'm talking to the Sinner like usual… And once the Sinner and I make an unspoken agreement, the identity overrides the Sinner, accompanied by the sound of glass shattering.
…Can’t think of a more suitable description.
- While overlaid with an identity, the Sinner appears pretty different from usual. On top of attires and weapons, their personalities can also change pretty wildly, and sometimes make me question if they’re really the Sinners I know.
Fortunately, they seem to go back to their original selves when they’re done using an identity. But, prolonged use might cause small side effects like headaches or residual traces of the identity’s personality surfacing from time to time.
Identity Uptying[]
Record #1 - 984.5.6
- A process of synchronizing an *Identity* with this world using the *Thread* we’ve gathered.
- It’s how one brought from a different world is tuned to the Sinner in ours. (I guess it could be likened to binding the two worlds together?)
From what I can tell, a freshly extracted Identity can’t immediately transfer all of their knowledge and combat prowess to the Sinner.
That’s why Thread must be used to “uptie” the Identity and make it more effective.
Record #2 - 984.5.7
- I asked if the “MAX Uptie” status, as shown on the PDA, is really the highest possible tier.
I wanted to know if that meant that the Sinner virtually becomes the same as the one from another world.
- I’ve been told it’s theoretically the case.
If an Identity brought from a certain point in time of the world from where it was extracted gains more experience (training their combat skills further, for example), a new possibility can occur that allows for additional stages of uptying.
I guess that’s to mean Identities from certain points in time could grow stronger in terms of experience and technique.
Record #3 - 984.5.10
- I asked if events differing from our timeline happen in the worlds from where the Identities were extracted as time passes.
- I’ve been told that we can’t know for sure and that it doesn’t matter anyway.
Limbus Company is only interested in enhancing the Sinners’ capabilities in battle, so they don’t care about what happens with the Identity or its world as we uptie them.
Memory Wipe Procedure[]
Record #1 - 984.5.25
- A technology used to wipe specific memories.
- I recall that we took turns entering some room. The procedure ended when the Sinners walked out with all their relevant memories wiped.
- Odd. I remember everything that K Corp wanted me to forget, but that room… I can’t remember a thing about the memory wipe procedure itself.
- This leaves me with so many questions. Why didn’t the procedure work on me? If it didn’t work, why can’t I remember anything about the memory wipe procedure itself?
Record #1 - 984.11.10
- A black stele that 'forces people to distort'. I think Limbus Company internally calls it the 'Monolith'.
- I think it does something similar to the Golden Boughs: causing or amplifying Distortions. But unlike the Golden Boughs, it seems that that's all it's good for.
- I've been around enough Golden Boughs to know that the Monolith and the Golden Boughs are different, despite some similarities.
Record #1 - 984.11.11
- The Golden Bough amplifies and releases every feeling, from the hottest emotions to the warmest emotions. But the Monolith makes people face what's boiling in the deepest abyss of one's self.
- Unlike the Golden Bough, though, it seems to have some mechanism to it. Like it's a device of sorts. The control mechanism alone was so complicated that whatever interaction I did with it felt like I was navigating through a maze puzzle.
Record #1 - 984.5.2
- Simply put, some kind of incredible technology owned by the Wings.
- I was curious how they’re different from the other technologies in the City…
I guess it’s the fact that Singularities are monopolized by the Wings that own them.
Record #2 - 984.5.4
- Another thing of note is that they almost seem to be outside the realm of logic or classical physics.
Faust says it’s unnecessary to bother thinking about the intricacies in my current state, but…
I don’t think you can brush off flesh regrowing from a severed arm or stickers that boost your luck as things that just work that way.
- …Wait, is my head a Singularity, too?
Record #1 - 984.5.2
- A strangely shaped object is inside, kinda like a… bulb-like thing.
- I don’t know how I should describe it… It sometimes wiggles and twitches.
- Staring into this glimmering “thread” makes me feel rather woozy.
- Faust wouldn’t let me hold it in my hands for long, so I put it back in place and let her explain what it is.
Record #2 - 984.5.3
- In summary…
It’s all sorts of possibilities woven into spindles of thread… or something like that.
To be frank, I can’t really call this a summary when I just wrote down what Faust said almost word for word. I couldn’t understand what she meant exactly…
It gives me a similar feeling to looking up at the *star* that appears when I wind the clock. Sorta like awe.
Record #1 - 984.5.6
- Similar to uptying, this is a process of making the Sinners’ E.G.O more powerful using Thread.
…Though I do wonder, why *threadspinning* and not “uptying” again?
Record #2 - 984.5.8
- Like Identities, the E.G.O used by the Sinners are possibilities drawn from the cores of certain Abnormalities for appropriate individuals.
However, using E.G.O to its full potential requires weaving together a deep understanding and well-read interpretation of the Abnormality, which is why it’s called “threadspinning”, sorta like the idiom of spinning a yarn.
- Threadspinning an E.G.O enriches the comprehension of the Abnormality’s mental imagery, enhancing its power and effectiveness.
- E.G.O seems to be the manifestation of some kind of mental force.
I guess it makes sense that forming thorough knowledge of the Abnormality and its E.G.O is important.
Record #3 - 984.5.10
- While Thread’s role in uptying is to connect people between worlds, it seems to work like a wire to unravel the core of the Abnormality in threadspinning.
- Faust says we might be able to threadspin E.G.O beyond what we’re currently capable of in the future.
Similar to upgrading and uptying Identities, gathering Golden Boughs should allow us to decipher and interpret them in further detail.
Upgrading Identities[]
Record #1 - 984.5.7
- When a Sinner tears this *Identity Training Ticket*, certain experiences seem to flow into them (or the Identity they’re wearing).
These experiences can make them even stronger than how they were in their original worlds at the time of extraction. (Well, that’s what the “relevant theories” say, according to Faust).
- I get that they become better fighters with the added experience, but how does it make them physically stronger too?
Record #2 - 984.5.8
- I got vague but somewhat sensible answers from Faust and Yi Sang.
When an Identity is “upgraded” using tickets, the Identity’s “frame” itself is enhanced.
- To summarize their explanations, upgrades exclusively improve their physical traits.
The improvements are made in ways that would have worked in the original worlds the Identities come from.
- Additionally, when an Identity with prostheses is upgraded, the materials and components of them seem to get sturdier and whatnot.
- Either way, upgrades are focused wholly on physical improvements.
Record #3 - 984.5.9
- I asked if it isn’t possible to upgrade Identities beyond their current maximum level (30 as of writing) as shown on the PDA.
- These values seem to be related to the Golden Boughs we’re collecting. In addition, I was told that I’d be unable to withstand further upgrades for now.
Does that mean it will be possible to upgrade them more at a later point?
- …Come to think of it, if these “level-ups” are only for making their physical bodies stronger, then why are these things called “training tickets”? I thought that was covered by upties?

The Outskirts[]

Record #1 - 984.5.29
- Looking at the map, there is a zone outside the general area where the Nests are. That zone's called the Outskirts.
- There are ‘monsters’ at the Outskirts. Ishmael and Outis called them ‘monsters’ and not ‘Abnormalities'… Considering that they’ve encountered Abnormalities before, I’m going to guess that there are monstrous things out there that aren’t Abnormalities.
- Well, it’s not like we’ll ever have to visit the Outskirts. I doubt even Lobotomy Corp. would build a branch outside the City.
- … I just remembered that Ishmael said that the Great Lake overlaps with the Outskirts.
Record #2 - 984.11.14
- Thanks to Heathcliff and Don Quixote, I recently and involuntarily came to learn that there are villages in the Outskirts. Human villages, at that...
- I don't really remember when it was, but I remember hearing that there are 'Monsters' in the Outskirts that are separate from Abnormalities or Distortions. Seems like they're just about as intent on killing humans, though.
Record #3 - 984.11.15
- Gnomes and Giants... Intelligent non-human beings. They were definitely different from the Abnormalities.
- We only stopped by a factory in the Outskirts, so I don't really have a grasp on what the rest of the 'Outskirts' is really like. Other than the Great Lake part of it, that is. But if they had a whole factory all the way out there... I guess I shouldn't even know what to expect from a place like that.
- Sinclair did say that, like Demian said, it might be a nicer place than we think. Ishmael immediately rebutted that no place, no matter how beautiful and rich, can be described as 'nice' if it's filled to the brim with things that are full of nothing but hatred for humans."

The Great Lake[]

Record #1 - 984.5.29
- A massive lake at the South end of the City. Some call it the sea or the ocean.
- The Great Lake isn’t just one big pool of water. It’s divided by straight lines into several smaller sections, all of which have unique colors. I’ve seen only a little bit of it, but it reminds me of patchwork fabric.
- According to Ishmael, looks like the Great Lake’s chock full of treacherous natural disasters and monsters.
Even if she’s right, that it might be too early for us to go to the Great Lake… It's not like we've got much say in the matter. Limbus Company ordered us to go in that direction, so we gotta.
- I guess that decision’s what got us into this mess… I’m still not sure what I’m supposed to do.
- In a way, I guess we should consider ourselves lucky. Nothing disastrous has happened yet. Maybe we’re still in the coastal area Ishmael mentioned.


Record #1 - 984.5.30
- I thought all monsters were either Abnormalities or Distortions, but it seems like the opposite is true. All Abnormalities are monsters, but not all monsters are Abnormalities… I think.
- They say that the Trash Crabs are the prime example of monsters that aren’t Abnormalities.
- Though they’re not so prevalent, I think they're sometimes mentioned in creepy tales or legends of the City.
- Apparently, the Outskirts and the Great Lake are both brimming with these ‘monsters’…
- Still, this means there are monsters within and without the City. I’m not sure how I'll categorize them yet.
The Library[]
Record #1 - 984.5.27
- I’ve only heard it mentioned in passing, but I don’t suppose they were talking about just any old library.
- Fixers from Molar Boatworks mentioned it. They said that they went in there, something awful happened, and they… returned from a book? I don’t know enough about the City to connect these dots or make any meaningful guesses from them, so I’ll just write down what I heard and put a pin in it for now.
Walpurgis Night[]
Record #1 - 984.5.24
- It seems to be a special period when we can extract Identities and E.G.O that we normally can’t.
- Though the timelines and the worlds we can access are expanded during this period, it’s not like we’ll be extracting random Identities and E.G.O from all over the place. Faust explained that whoever we end up extracting during this period will be relevant to all of us. Relevant… to Limbus Company’s current state in some way.
- Walpurgis Night seems to arrive once in a while. As usual, Faust doesn’t tell me everything, but at least I could tell that the next Walpurgis Night will be different from this one.


Record #1 - 984.4.30
- I still don’t think I can exactly define what an Abnormality “is”.
- So far, the ones I’ve encountered (for now, anyway) usually had an appearance unlike any human or animal and possessed extraordinary powers…
They’re beings you’d only expect to see in abnormal fantasies, both in terms of what they look like and what they can do.
Record #2 - 984.5.1
- When I tried asking Faust, she’d keep saying “Abnormalities are entities of their own category; you shouldn’t attempt to define them based on any preconceived standards”, and refused to give a more detailed answer…
Record #3 - 984.5.5
- The old L Corp. used to classify Abnormalities into five levels.
Yuri told us that L Corp. graded them based on their energy production efficiency.
Limbus Company seems to use the same levels to categorize them.

Risk Levels[]

Record #1 - 984.11.02
-Each Abnormality is categorized into different Risk Levels, divided into five levels.
- According to the brief manual Faust gave me… the five levels seem to be ZAYIN / TETH / HE / WAW / ALEPH.
- It seems that the postmortem observation logs written by the Sinners are sent to the upper echelons of Limbus Company, which then the company uses to determine their Risk Levels.
- Apparently, there are times when some Abnormalities' Risk Levels were already rated even before we submitted the observation logs. (Heathcliff told me that when he finally got to write the observation log after putting it off for a long while, he noticed that it was already marked with a Risk Level.) Since these logs are probably connected directly to the Limbus Company headquarters, maybe they’re checking these pretty frequently?
Record #2 - 984.11.03
- It seems pretty obvious, but the Risk Levels are rated based on the potential amount of damage that each Abnormality can cause, and the difficulty of facing it in combat. I see… I suppose that’s why they told the Sinners to focus on the details of the combat encounter and each Abnormality’s identifying characteristics when writing the logs.
- Hm, but I also remember that some of the lower-risk level Abnormalities were harder and more complicated to fight than the higher-risk Abnormalities.
- Maybe it’s the Golden Bough suppressing the Abnormalities’ strength (I’m gonna guess that’s what ‘Qliphoth Deterrence’ means)… but it’s probably just that there are some errors in the Risk Levels.
- So I asked Faust about those possible errors, and she proceeded to clear up a few questions I had about the difference between the Abnormalities’ Risk Levels and the actual difficulty we felt when facing them.
- The standards to rating each Abnormality's Risk Levels followed Lobotomy Corporation's definition of each Risk Levels, which then the LCA used to rate them. Turns out the data from Lobotomy Corporation didn't exactly match our on-field experience against the Abnormalities.
- LCA is aware of this disparity. Sounds like they're going to announce some new standards to categorize them by.
- I was told that they were going to use our combat data and the samples collected by Limbus Company to re-organize and re-categorize the Risk Levels.


Record #1 - 984.11.05
- A phenomenon in which a person turns into a monstrous form after a certain trigger.
- Somehow we ended up facing several Distorted people through our journey... and I've found a throughline that connects them all together.
- I think people Distort when they're pushed to the brink of emotional breakdown.
- One question, though. From what I've seen of the City, I'm pretty sure that there are literally countless people out there who are pushed to their emotional extremes. So why aren't we seeing more Distortions?
- Maybe there's a secondary trigger, a secondary condition other than being pushed to one's emotional limits.
Record #2 - 984.11.06
- The higher-ups of Limbus Company have so far categorized Distortions by the same Risk Levels they grade Abnormalities with. But with this new announcement of Abnormality Risk Level adjustments and overhauls, they decided to classify the Distortions with a different system.
- Looks like they determined the fact that Distortions can be permanently killed as the biggest differentiator between Distortions and Abnormalities. Thinking back on it, Abnormalities always reverted into an egg-like shape whenever we defeated them.
Record #1 - 984.11.05
- They give off a similar energy to the Distortions, but these entities lack much identifying characteristics between them. At least between the same types.
- We have confirmed six types of Peccatulum so far. Yi Sang says that they're even closer to beasts than the Distortions are.
- Yi Sang says that, when comparing the Peccatula to Distortions with what samples we've encountered so far, the Peccatula showed much higher levels of aggressiveness and antagonism than the Distortions did.
Record #2 - 984.11.07
- I'm not sure if this is thanks to the Golden Bough in my head, but I can somehow tell Abnormalities and Distortions apart just by the feelings they give off. Just like how Abnormalities and Distortions are oddly similar yet different from each other, the Peccatula appear to be oddly similar yet different from Distortions.
- Sinclair heard me and mused that if they feel similar yet different... then maybe they both come from the same source, and what failed to become a Distortion becomes one of the Peccatula.
- Yeah, that makes sense to me. Those that fail to become Distortions become Peccatula... that seems to be the most likely guess unless anything new crops up.

- Risk Level assessments and serial numbers for each Peccatulum are also getting reworked. Probably thanks to those new Peccatula we saw at Yong-jin building.
- Faust added that our encounter with the new entities and the need for the company to categorize Abnormalities, Distortions, and Peccatula separately was what brought on the overhaul of the company's categorization system. Yeah, that's pretty much what I was thinking.
Stage 2 Peccatula[]
Record #1 - 984.11.11
- We encountered an entity that seemed to be a more mature version of the Peccatula we have encountered so far.
- Sounds like the higher-ups at Limbus Company are trying to categorize them by something like 'stages'.
- It can't be a coincidence that, after so many encounters with these Peccatula, we've only now run into a Stage 2 Peccatula.
Record #2 - 984.11.12
- The Sinners have really grown stronger through our bus journey... but the Peccatula have also grown powerful.
- I've been thinking, and I've come to the conclusion that maybe these new types of Peccatula are showing up because of the Golden Bough. This probably has something to do with the fact that collecting the Golden Boughs powers up our Identities, too.
- If we continue to collect the Golden Boughs... the types of Peccatula will grow as well.
- Golden Boughs, Sinners, and... the Peccatula. And there's a Golden Bough in my head, too. I'm sure they're all connected to me in some way... There's no other way to look at this.

Initial Announcement Details[]

Dante's Notes will feature records on various points of the City's setting as observed from the perspective of Dante, with the entries naturally updating as they, and the player, plays through the story and progresses through the plot.

Starting from May 11th, a new entry will be added each day for three weeks until June 1st (KST). [1]


See Dante's Notes/Story.

Story cutscenes were included that played when players logged into the game for the first time in a week, following the update.


  • During the initial release of Dante's Notes, they were written in a different font from the current one.
  • Dante's Notes regarding Lobotomy Corporation mention a "tower-thing" appearing in its place. This is referring to the Library from Library of Ruina.

External Links[]


Site-logoWiki Navigation
Mechanics Battles - Battle Announcers - E.G.O - Identities - Items - Luxcavation - Mirror Dungeon - Story Dungeon - Theater
Seasonal Event Seasons - Limbus Pass - Refraction Railway - Dante's Notes - Walpurgis Night
Characters Dante - Vergilius - Charon

Yi Sang Icon #1 Yi Sang - Faust Icon #2 Faust - Don Quixote Icon #3 Don Quixote - Ryoshu Icon #4 Ryōshū - Meursault Icon #5 Meursault - Hong Lu Icon #6 Hong Lu
Heathcliff Icon #7 Heathcliff Ishmael Icon #8 Ishmael - Rodion Icon #9 Rodion - Site-logo#10 Dante - Emil Sinclair Icon #11 Sinclair - Outis Icon #12 Outis - Gregor Icon #13 Gregor

Locations The City (Districts (NestsBackstreets)) - Outskirts - The Great Lake - Mephistopheles
Lore Abnormalities - E.G.O - Distortion - The Sign - Smoke War - Singularity - Golden Bough
Factions Limbus Company - Fixers (OfficesAssociations) - Syndicates (Five Fingers) - Wings
Songs "In Hell We Live, Lament" - "Between Two Worlds" - "Fly, My Wings" - "Compass" - "Through Patches of Violet" - "Pass On"
Media Lobotomy Corporation - WonderLab - Library Of Ruina - The Distortion Detective - Leviathan - Limbus Company (Game)